Tag Archives: Merchants of Brooklyn

Merchants of Brooklyn: Drug Wars

The crazy cavemen over at Paleo Entertainment recently braved outside their developmental caverns, revealing a kooky plan for a new multiplayer game mode, Drug Wars, to be given out free to owners of Merchants of Brooklyn. Though the game was erroneously reported to be a stand-alone game on some other websites, as it stands, Drug

Merchants of Brooklyn Patched

Stop press!

This was to be the space for a review of Paleo Entertainment’s new game, Merchants of Brooklyn. In MOB, you play as Matteo, a cybernetically enhanced Neanderthal clone. Suffice to say, Matteo suffers a life-threatening dismemberment in combat but ends up being saved by a scientist who grafts him a new robotic arm to

Merchants of Brooklyn

While Zeno Clash might have been on the receiving end of some hefty accolades already, we shan’t forget there are others in line for a title shot at the crown of the new Dark Messiah! A trailer recently reared its head for a new challenger in the seldom-seen HTH-FPS genre, Merchants of Brooklyn (MOB for