These days, almost all promising, mainstream-enough video game Kickstarters (and, to a lesser extent, Indiegogos) seem to attract enough traction and interest to succeed. Offhand, I am unable to recall one single notable project that would not have succeeded as of late, especially if self-cancelled projects are counted out of the equation.
Alas, one such project is now in great danger of going undeservedly unfunded. Early this month, I tweeted to Andy Kelly how I had - much like him - been absolutely awestruck by Raindrop‘s beautifully-designed Kickstarter campaign:
@ultrabrilliant Rightyo! One of the best-designed Kickstarter pitches to date, for sure.
— Martyn Zachary (@martynzachary) November 4, 2013
Their image-laden, equally professional website was no less impressive. According to its developers, Raindrop would be a “a surreal, environment driven, survival game that includes fully explorable levels with intuitive, complex puzzles”.
Below, you can watch their amazing pitch video:
I’m hard-pressed to think of a better pitch video, or a better-designed Kickstarter campaign page. Hm. Maybe RCR: Underground? This is absolutely top of the line work on display here. The Raindrop team seem to have carefully avoided each and every pitfall there potentially exist for a crowdfunding campaign. The pitch is 1) concise, 2) audiovisually delivered, 3) filled to the brim with polished ingame content, 4) original, 5) artistic and, above all, 6) full of promise!
The game has been in the works for a long time now, first for the Source engine, and now on Unity. This is an indie team that absolutely can deliver on the promise of their KS pitch. And yet, here we are, with 47 hours left in their campaign, and Raindrop seems bound to fail.
This is one Kickstarter that, in my mind, really deserves it. Maybe there’s still time?
RT @martynzachary: Here’s a little bit of something on the Raindrop Kickstarter campaign:
Raindrop and the Art of the Kickstarter Pitch
RT @slowdownvg: New blog post: Raindrop and the Art of the Kickstarter Pitch