In his PopMatters article “Fearing God, Fearing the Body: The Theology of ‘The Binding of Isaac’”, G. Christopher Williams discusses various aspects of Edmund McMillen and Florian Himsl’s ingenious (and mildly blasphemous) Zelda/Roguelike hybrid, The Binding of Isaac. Although his reading of the game astutely homes in on the “meatier” parts of Isaac - that …
By Martyn Zachary
Posted in Featured, Side by Side
Also tagged Abjection, Edmund McMillen, Florian Himsl, G. Christopher Williams, Geoffrey Galt Harpham, PopMatters, Roguelike, Søren Kierkegaard, Team Meat, The Binding of Isaac, The Grotesque, The Uncanny, Zelda
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I’ve not been as active on the Slowdown as I’ve liked lately, something I hope to rectify this year. As it happens, I was actually playing games! Which left me with less time to write about them. 2010 was a very busy gaming year for me; the sheer number of quality titles was staggering, and …
By Nabeel Burney
Posted in Reviews, Two Cents
Also tagged 2K Marin, Angry Birds, Assassin's Creed 2, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, BioShock 2, BioWare, Flotilla, Frozen Synapse, Game Dev Studio, Humble Bundle, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Recettear, Revenge of the Titans, VVVVVV
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