In many ways, Dave Gilbert’s adventure game The Shivah, now re-released and re-mastered under the “Kosher Edition” subtitle on Steam and on the iPad, is a game of firsts.
Released originally in 2006, it was Gilbert’s first commercial game1, and, in fact, one of the first commercial Adventure Game Studio games on the whole. It’s also …
Magnetic Realms’ Inescapable is a Metroidvania-style indie game of admirable constraint and deliberateness. Even for a one-man Amiga homage, it never overreaches in its pursuit of a specific type of gaming minimalism. In this day and age, this in turn creates a style, and atmosphere, that is much its own.
(It helps that Amiga-style …
Anodyne, a top-down action-adventure by indie devs Sean Hogan and Jonathan Kittaka, is one that I doubt I would have touched if not for the all-new, shiny, and glittering Steam Trading Cards. (Valve are very, very shrewd.) That Anodyne’s in-game progression is also tied to gathering collectible cards in-game has quite the poignancy to it. …
Primordia, Wormwood Studios’ dystopian android adventure (and Wadjet Eye Games’ latest foray into publishing,) is a treacherous game to review. It single-handedly put me off reviewing games for a long time - heck, we received our review copy at launch half a year ago, and I’ve subsequently tried my hand at it every now and …
Out of all the highly esteemed indie adventure games in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue, Vince Twelve’s Resonance had by far the longest journey from start to finish.
Though intended for commercial release from the get-go, the game was announced in low-key fashion on the Adventure Game Studio forums in 2008, and then later Kickstarted in …
By Martyn Zachary
Also posted in Adventure, Featured, Indie
Tagged AGS, Dave Gilbert, Gemini Rue, Primordia, Resonance, Trailer, Vince Twelve, Wadjet Eye Games, XII Games
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