We’ve learned that two of publishing company Gamecock’s key ex-members, Mike Wilson and Harry Miller, have set up a new company for working with Croteam in publishing Serious Sam HD. Quoth Wilson, “Croteam owns the IP still since they had a G.O.D. deal, and are therefore able to work with us again on the new …
Monthly Archives: June 2009
Hitman 2, Hitman 5
In an interesting turn of events, MTV Movies Blog reports that Fox has hired Kane & Lynch screenwriter Kyle Ward to pen the next film adaptation of the Hitman game series.
While some cried foul in conjecture to the first adaptation, I wasn’t too disappointed with it personally; In my mind, and from a gamer’s stance, …
The Bald of Max Payne
We were cautious, we told ourselves we’d be open to new ideas, and would withhold judgment ’til the real evidence came along inevitably confirming our deepest dread. A beloved franchise no longer in the hands of its creator has an upwards climb to prove its worth to the core fanbase, and it looks like Max …
Getting Out of Hell Soon
Out of Hell, a true dinosaur of an Unreal Tournament 2004 zombie mod - from times before Left 4 Dead or Killing Floor, or even Zombie Panic or Brainbread for that matter - is one of those interesting projects that simply refuse to wither and go away. After all, most hobby mods such as these …
Mass Effect Galaxy Released For iPhone
BioWare have released Mass Effect Galaxy for the iPhone and iPod Touch, available for purchase at the App Store for $4.99 or £2.99.
The game is a top-down shooter with the story told via animated graphic novel sequences. Players control superpowered soldier Jacob Taylor as he tries to uncover a plot to wipe out humanity. …