A tech demo for Cryostasis, an atmospheric shooter set on a nuclear ice-breaker and released by 1C Company, can be found from NVIDIA’s Graphics Plus Power Pack #2 . Though the requirements indicate otherwise, the tech demo only works with Vista, on a Shader Model 4.0 DirectX10 card.
Since Valve’s Hardware Survey already revealed how only …
At the Fountain of Youth
If we were to gauge general goodwill and public appreciation with freeware indie game projects, one of the candidates for the top spot would have to be Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth. The well-liked and respected team have surprisingly managed to duck the guns of the ruthless LucasArts legal team and managed to …
Ubisoft has just announced a special edition version of Revolution Software’s Shadow of the Templars for Nintendo Wii and DS. According to their press release, this “Director’s Cut” comes packaged with new puzzles, a fleshed-out narrative and will take into account the unique control set of both consoles. According to Charles Cecil, the new plot …